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80 Kmh In A 50 Zone

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:28 pm
by rocky

Got my first points speeding ticket this morning on my way in to work. The officer was sitting just after the 50km/h sign - previously it's a 70 zone. i was coasting it down this hill to where she was but it was pitch dark (no street lights) and i didn't see her until the last moment.

She said she clocked me at 83kmh so knocked it down to only 80.

What are my chances of fighting this and getting it down to a no points charge? My driving record has no demerit points to it's clean.


Re: 80 Kmh In A 50 Zone

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:13 pm
by bend

It's up to the prosecutor. 33km over (4 points) to 15km (0 points) is quite the leap and some prosecutors will refuse. You'd definitely be able to get down a bracket to 16-29 (3 points). You'll have to schedule an early resolution meeting or trial to find out.

Re: 80 Kmh In A 50 Zone

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:04 am
by rocky
bend wrote:You'll have to schedule an early resolution meeting or trial to find out.

Is this the 'option 3' on the reverse side of the ticket?

Re: 80 Kmh In A 50 Zone

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:20 pm
by Nettlesoup

Option 2 on the ticket is early resolution, Option 3 is the trial. Early resolution does not override the possibility of trial if you feel it's necessary afterwards.