92 Km/h In 60km/h Hwy 7 East/bayview (disclosure Received)
Got a ticket in early March 2016 for 80KM/H in a 60 KM/H Zone on HWY 7 Eastbound after after Bayview Ave where speed limit changes from 80 KM/H to 60 KM/H. Police officer marked down to 80 KM/H from 92 KM/H.
I filed for disclosure at York Region after getting the Trial date in Late July 2016 per instructions. Finally got the disclosure last week in Early November 2016. York Region has a standard Request for Discloure form which I filled out, it did not allow you to specify exactly what you want in the disclosure.
I was actually surprised at the contents of the disclosure since it was my first time filing for one. Maybe it is York Region but everything was typed out and I even got a Dashcam DVD video clip.
Here is a summary of what was stated in the disclosure:
-Weather: Dark & Clear with artificial lighting along HWY 7
-Road: Clear & Dry
-Radar enforcement was donducted monitoring eastbound traffic on HWY 7 East in the Viva Bus Lane.
-Police had clear view of oncoming eastbound traffic with no obstructions.
-Pavement is level with slight curve to the left past Bayview Avenue.
-Posted speed limit is 60 KM/H
-Described that there were 3 speed limit warning/signs and they were all unbostructed.
-RADAR GHD #13164 was tested at 0120 hours, as per the manufacturer's specification. The GHD Radar was set to "T"
-At 0122 Hours, a motor vehicle (mine) was travelling at a rate of speed above the posted speed limit estimated at approx. 80 km/h.
-Clear view of vehicle travelling appx at the speed limit (car ahead of me) and the car (mine) was rapidly overtaking the vehicle in front.
-Radar was activated. Read of 64 km/h was obtained and 92 km/h was also obtained and locked. Speeding reading was consistent with observations of the first & second vehicle.
***On the disclosure it noted, On this date, the writer (officer) rembembers doing a after-test for the offence but failed to make a note of the test time. No other notes exist other than the TK text page.
So guys, at this point would I have a strong enough case to ask the case to be dimissed based on the fact that the officer did not note down that testing was done on the radar after and to simply say he remembers is not good enough? I mean how can you remember if you did or did not from that long ago.
When at Trial, would I first object to him referencing his notes in order to establish independent recollection of the events in case prosecution asks for it? Question the officer which lane my vehicle was in, if there were any passengers in my vehicle to see if he would remember any of it and if he doesn't I could bring up then how can he remember 100% that he tested the radar after eventhough it is not in his notes?
I am thinking about filing a second disclosure to ask for:
-The exact radar manufacturer & model as I assume RADAR GHD #13164 indicated is not really an actual model but a device number that York Region Police uses?
-Operating Manual of the Radar, specifically on the Calibration & Testing parts of the unit.
-Radar Certification/Training proof of the officer.
I hear York Region Police do not calibrate their Radar devices with Tuning Forks? So I would not be able bring that into questions I assume?
Anyone have any suggestions as to what this entails:
-RADAR GHD #13164 was tested at 0120 hours, as per the manufacturer's specification. The GHD Radar was set to "T"?
I think my strongest defence is the fact that testing of the device was not in the officer's note. Would be grateful if any of you with experience could offer me further advise.
Thanks much