Stunt / Excessive Speed Charge Dropped And Now Recharged
hi there i had this stunt/excessive speed charge dropped on October 18th/2011 and just today Sunday October 30th got a repraisal. Meaning got recharged. Is this possible? and the officer asked if i went to court on that day or not and as well he said it was due to complications to schedualing. can this be redropped due to he wrong dueings? and as well... could this mean that i got greater chances with my lawyer? i'm nervous due to i'm a security guard and saving up to finish my two final courses in Law and Security admin. I know we all as humans make mistakes and yes i know when i got charged for this i knew i was speeding but didn't know that i was going to get suspension plus impoundment for seven days. Once this first appearrance was over i was glad but now it reappeared i'm nervous is it just a way to intimidate me?