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Stunt Driving Charge: 161 On 401 Near Cobourg

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 2:48 pm
by pleasehelp555

I was caught last week doing 161 in a 100 zone. How do my odds look? I heard Cobourg is a hard place to reduce fines. I definitely learned my lesson. Already out several thousands, hopefully not much more. Also, does it make a difference hiring a paralegal in the area, or another paralegal who was a former prosecutor? Any advice is helpful.

Re: Stunt Driving Charge: 161 On 401 Near Cobourg

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:06 pm
by Pods

How did this turn out for you? I got 162km in napanee wondering my odds there since it’s close ....