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Is This Fail To Remain?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:56 pm
by MusicsOn

Hi everyone!

Will I be charged with failing to remain in this situation?

Driving in the early morning, still dark, ice on the roads. Turning left in a residential area, a bike that was approaching with no lights crossed in front of my car.

So I called 911. An ambulance came, but police never showed. I stayed until ambulance was leaving, asked them if I should stay for police and they said it is okay to go.

I spoke to a ticket company and asked if I should report to the police and they said no, I did my due diligence in calling 911 and waiting and police can find me if required. They have my number since I was the one who called 911. There only other person who came to help says he didn't see what happened.

We'll leave the discussions of other charges until it actually happens.


Re: Is This Fail To Remain?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:33 pm
by highwaystar

You have to report the accident to the police since there was a personal injury. Otherwise, you'll get charged with fail to report which is less serious than fail to remain but still a HTA offense. So, head over to your nearest Collision Reporting Centre right away.