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Removable Trailer Hitches And Covers

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:26 pm
by AmyontheFarm

I was told today that I can no longer keep my removable goose neck trailer hitch installed in the pick up unless I am actually towing a wagon or something, if I did then I could get a ticket. Then I was told I had better go buy a cover for the trailer hitch receiver or I could get ticketed for that also.

Is this true? When did this new law start? Any information would be helpful.


Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:00 pm
by hwybear

Are you speaking of a fifth wheel lower plate attached in the bed of the pickup? If so, someone is full of *EDIT*.

If not, can you put a photo of what you are speaking about.

Trailer hitch receiver....flush with a bumper? more crapola!