Removal Of Licence Plates - Unfit Vehicle Question (sect 82)
Good Day,
This is my first post so please be kind. My question pertains to section 82 and removal of plates from what was deemed by an MTO inspector to be an unfit/unsafe vehicle (crack in exhaust, rust hole in door).
The key is that I received no documentation from the inspector/officer at the scene and was forced to tow my vehicle. Now, after reading the act, I see that subsection (11) states the following:
Defence if notice not received
(11) Despite subsections (9) and (10), a person is not guilty of an offence for refusing or failing to comply with a requirement under subsection (3), (4) or (5) unless the police officer or officer appointed for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act gave the person a written notice as required by subsection (6). 1999, c. 12, Sched. R, s. 14.
Now, sub-section (13) regarding removal of plates follows sub-section (11) and I am curious whether sub-section (11) applies to removal of plates. Of course, sisnce I was not provided ny documentation etc., I'm wondering whether they have the right to keep my plates.
Thanks for reading,