Greatest Canadian wrote:Section 154(b) deals with a three lane roadway. One lane in each direction and a turning lane in the centre. The centre cannot be used for travelling on, however it can be used to make a turn or even to pass another vehicle.
Where highway divided into lanes
154. (1) Where a highway has been divided into clearly marked lanes for traffic,
(b) in the case of a highway that is divided into three lanes, a vehicle shall not be driven in the centre lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle where the roadway is clearly visible and the centre lane is clear of traffic within a reasonable safe distance, or in preparation for a left turn, or where the centre lane is at the time designated for the use of traffic moving in the direction in which the vehicle is proceeding and official signs are erected to indicate the designation;
We have many three lane roadway where I live and I find this interesting.
If the sign below is used; it's a turning lane only. The lane cannot be used as a passing lane as articulated above in HTA s. 154.
This is a ground mounted sign found at the right side of the roadway facing oncoming traffic. There is a bilingual version of the sign as well. The bilingual version is a separate sign all together, not a French and English sign all in one.
The French version can be mounted directly below or up to 100 metres beyond the English version sign. So they can ercting a French version sign, then up the road an Englsih version, then up the road a French version, and so on.
If the following sign is used on a three lane roadway, HTA regulation 615 requires the sign to be mounted over the lane.
There is no ground mounted provision provided for the sign above.
If the sign is ground mounted at the right side of the roadway facing oncoming traffic, you can use the middle lane as a passing lane, because HTA s. 154 provides for the middle to be used for passing and a ground mounted sign is not in compliance with regulation 615, therefore, the middle lane is not restricted to the left turn only sign.
If the sign is mounted above of the lane, you cannot use the lane as a passing lane.
Only official signs found in locations as approved by regulation are valid signs that must be obeyed by drivers. The Lieutenant Governor in Council makes the location and placement of signs under HTA s. 182.
Regulations, signs and markings
182. (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations requiring or providing for the erection of signs and the placing of markings on any highway or any type or class thereof, and prescribing the types of the signs and markings and the location on the highway of each type of sign and marking and prohibiting the use or erection of any sign or type of sign that is not prescribed. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 182 (1); 2002, c. 18, Sched. P, s. 32.
Signs to be obeyed
(2) Every driver or operator of a vehicle or street car shall obey the instructions or directions indicated on any sign so erected.
sign regulation 615 ... e.htm#BK13 Regulation 615 states the following with respect to Lane Designation Signs.
Lane Designation Sign
34. (1) A Lane Designation sign shall be used to indicate by means of a single arrow or a combination of arrows the only permitted movement or movements by vehicles on one or more lanes of a highway marked with the sign.
(3) A Lane Designation sign in Figure 7 signifies that the lane marked with the sign shall be used by a vehicle for the purpose only of making a left turn.
4) A Lane Designation sign,
(a) may, in the case of Figures 1 to 6 and Figure 8, be erected over the lane or be ground mounted;
(b) shall, in the case of Figure 7, be erected directly over a two-way left turn lane;
So, since the word shall is used in s. 4(b), and since it requires a two way turn lane sign to be over the lane, would you agree that if the sign is only ground mounted on the right side of the roadway facing oncoming traffic, that the lane cannot be restricted to left turns only, since it's not properly erected in complinace with regualtion 615?