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Section 32 (9)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:04 pm
by sroghen

I got convicted of section 32(9). What is it? Does it affect insurance?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:42 pm
by Simon Borys

So you got convicted of violating one of the conditions of your licence...I'm guessing you are either required to wear glasses or have a novice licence. If it's a novice condition it can be considered fairly serious for your record and insurance premiums. Novice violations can also generate a driver's licence suspension by the MTO, depending on your record.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:14 pm
by sroghen
Simon Borys wrote:So you got convicted of violating one of the conditions of your licence...I'm guessing you are either required to wear glasses or have a novice licence. If it's a novice condition it can be considered fairly serious for your record and insurance premiums. Novice violations can also generate a driver's licence suspension by the MTO, depending on your record.

I was on G2 at that time.

My agent agreed to this charge with the prosecutor rather than a DUI charge.

Is it an administrative violation or will it show on driver's record?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:19 pm
by Simon Borys

Sounds like you got a pretty good deal.

I don't believe a novice suspension is considered an "administrative licence suspension", but the classification isn't really important. It does show up on your driving record as a "novice licence suspension".

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:15 pm
by sroghen

Simon Borys wrote:Sounds like you got a pretty good deal.

I don't believe a novice suspension is considered an "administrative licence suspension", but the classification isn't really important. It does show up on your driving record as a "novice licence suspension".

yea good deal i guess, and will not happen again.

I am not a novice, why would it show as "novice licence suspension".

i notice that G2 licence restriction is "Each person in the vehicle must have a working seatbelt". Does that fall under 32(9) as well??

Now what if someone actually does not wear glasses which was a requirement for driving on a licence, what would it show as on a driving record?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:20 pm
by Simon Borys
sroghen wrote:I am not a novice, why would it show as "novice licence suspension".

Because the suspension would be for violation of novice conditions

sroghen wrote:i notice that G2 licence restriction is "Each person in the vehicle must have a working seatbelt". Does that fall under 32(9) as well??


sroghen wrote:Now what if someone actually does not wear glasses which was a requirement for driving on a licence, what would it show as on a driving record?

Yes, a conviction for Drive in contravention of licence conditions under 32(9) would show up on a DL record, as would any of the specific convictions under O/Reg. 340/94.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:38 pm
by sroghen

In that case, what if was really a seatbelt violation. Surely its not suspension, then on the driver record it would show as conviction for "Drive in contravention of licence conditions under 32(9)" and not "novice licence suspension".

If there is no suspension, why would it show the word "suspension" on the driver abstract.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:37 pm
by Simon Borys

Let me clarify. A conviction of violating novice licence conditions under 32 (9) or O/Reg. 340/94 could lead to a licence suspension. If it does, your driving record would indicate the conviction for the specific charge and then that your licence was suspended a short time later for "novice violations".

If you are charged with a seatbelt offence under section 106 then it can't lead directly to a suspension.

However, if you have more passengers than seat belts, the proper charge is 32(9), in which case you'd again be in jeopardy of losing your licence. Bear in mind though that this isn't automatic.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:33 pm
by sroghen

OK got you.

I could lead to suspension. Since in my case it did not, then there is no way it would appear as a suspension on my driver abstract.

It would be insteresting to see what it shows up on the abstract in my case, since it was a plea deal.

Thanks for your replies Simon

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:55 pm
by Simon Borys

Right, it could lead to a driver's licence review, which could lead to a suspension.

If you were convicted under 32(9) your record will just say

"Name of Court location you were convicted in HTA 32(9) Drive in contravention of conditions" or something close to that. It doesn't specify what the contravention was and it doesn't tell any of the other circumstances surrounding the charge.

Wearing No Glasses

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:47 pm
by bill

Is there demerit points caught for not wearing glasses when driving?

My eye was sore and I removed my glasses when driving and the officer saw me,

comments please

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:12 am
by Simon Borys

No demerit points for a conviction under 32 (9)

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:24 pm
by sroghen

I got my driver's abstract today.

No only no demerit points but no record of offence.

I actually paid the ticket back in early June.

What does it mean?