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Ticket For Using Hand Held Device (cell Phone)

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:40 pm
by Mak Man

I was stopped for using hand held device and issued a ticket. I was actually using cotton bud(Q tip) in my ear to dry after shower as I use hearing ads since last three years. I showed the same to the officer. Even a blue tooth lying aside. I also offered the phone for caller history. A pessenger sitting beside also gave evidence that I was not using the phone but the cotton bud. Inspite all that the cope issued a ticket. My last call before moving from my home was from 05:40 to 05:43:10 and the officer wrote the time 05:50 at the ticket. It is just 700 meter away from my home when I was stopped after I drove. First I finished the call and then drove. I mean still there is a difference of 06 minutes and 50 seconds. I checked the disclosure. Officer has just mentioned the color of phone i.e. white while there were two phones lying at the console: black and white; both are in my name. He mentioned white because I tried to handover the same in which I received the last call. The otehr is never used by me. It is used by my wife who was sitting beside me in the car.

I have decided to go for trial with evidences and witness. I don't know what will happen in the court. I need two things

1) Detail about the Highway Traffic Act 78.1(1)

20 Any tip for trial/advice in this regard

My Email is :

May post at the forum,too


Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:48 pm
by Reflections

Bring your phone records to court, your friend too if possible. Case dismissed.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:41 pm
by FyreStorm

Phone records themselves won't help, they'll merely show you weren't on THAT phone...still, fight it.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:45 pm
by Radar Identified

If you have a witness who can testify that, indeed, you were not using a cellphone or any other such device, that's what will be the core of your defence.