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Speed Bumps That Look Like Children !!! ???

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:47 pm
by admin
Image ... e_children
"Officials in West Vancouver, Canada apparently aren't satisfied with the driver-slowing properties of traditional speed bumps. Yesterday, the town unveiled a new way to entice motorists to ease off the gas pedal in the vicinity of the École Pauline Johnson Elementary School: A 2-D image of a child playing, creating the illusion that the approaching driver will soon blast into a child...."

I think this would just freak me out more than anything....

I have seen some speed bumps at universities and other places that look like very large bumps but are illusions...that is better than seeing a child play with a ball in my opinion.

Is this a good idea? Will it help with reducing speed? Or can it cause more confusion?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:27 pm
by Reflections


Why doesn't the GOVN'T just train the drivers better. I said it before and I'll say it again...... better training will do more for the whole then pictogragh speed bumps, rumble strips or 50 over laws. And while I'm ranting why do police get the opportunity to drink then perform a breathalyzer but the general public, the bigger problem, just get a ticket. Bass ackwards approaches are slowly sinking our society into a non-thinking continuous daze that is, using the "we need a law cause the general public's common sense has deterierated to the point of howgivesafook" point of view, washing away any and all responsibility toward our fellow man.

Respect for others has taken another step backwards.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:52 pm
by admin

It is a crazy idea to do this ...

I would rather see the government do Public Service Announcements telling people to SLOW THE HELL DOWN in school zones, rather than be desensitized with fake children playing on the road.

There is also a concern in the article about how this will affect drivers abilities to distinguish the differences from real or fake children, given the fact that the driver at one point will RUN OVER THE FAKE KID LOL!!!!

Insane idea...but who might work!

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:01 pm
by hwybear
Reflections wrote:. And while I'm ranting why do police get the opportunity to drink then perform a breathalyzer but the general public, the bigger problem, just get a ticket. .
:?: :?:

that speed bump might work the wrong way....after a few times the people will slow down, but the drivers become to accustom to that and when a real child runs out....just keep on driving and not really stop?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:44 pm
by Radar Identified

Oh... my... God.

Just when I thought gov't officials couldn't possibly come up with dumber ideas than some of the ones we already have in place, this happens.

hwybear wrote:that speed bump might work the wrong way....after a few times the people will slow down, but the drivers become to accustom to that and when a real child runs out....just keep on driving and not really stop?

That's what I'm afraid of.

"Oh, that's just a hologram..." THUD. "OH, wait, that one's real... oops..." :shock:

Reflections wrote:I said it before and I'll say it again...... better training will do more for the whole then pictogragh speed bumps, rumble strips or 50 over laws.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:25 pm
by Reflections
hwybear wrote:
Reflections wrote:. And while I'm ranting why do police get the opportunity to drink then perform a breathalyzer but the general public, the bigger problem, just get a ticket. .
:?: :?:

that speed bump might work the wrong way....after a few times the people will slow down, but the drivers become to accustom to that and when a real child runs out....just keep on driving and not really stop?

Officers have some direct knowledge of what 50mg feels like. I remember you telling us that part of your training was downing some happy juice and performing the tests. The general public gets nothing.

I know though, if you're not sure don't drive....blah, blah.......insert sad MADD comercial here.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:59 am
by hwybear
Reflections wrote:
hwybear wrote:
Reflections wrote:. And while I'm ranting why do police get the opportunity to drink then perform a breathalyzer but the general public, the bigger problem, just get a ticket. .
:?: :?: ?

Officers have some direct knowledge of what 50mg feels like. I remember you telling us that part of your training was downing some happy juice and performing the tests. The general public gets nothing.

I know though, if you're not sure don't drive....blah, blah.......insert sad MADD comercial here.

The testing/knowledge that you speak of is not every officer thou. It is for those that are actually Intoxilyzer Technicians. During the learning of the course (theory, parts of instrument, etc) one has to learn the displays, how to retrieve a sample, inputs of info. So there has to be "test subjects" which drink in order to do tests and learn the instrument..

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:25 am
by hwybear

A good reference is to use the number 15, which is an average for all persons and alcohol. Every drink consumed adds in 15mgs of alcohol, however there are variables for that such as light,normal high test beers - was it actually one measured ounce of liquor etc..

Every hour the body eliminates 15mgs of alcohol.

eg: 4 drinks in one hour = 60mgs less 15mgs for the hour, would be 45mgs remaining.

Have to remember the actual number reading is for an "Over 80mgs" charge and in NO way affects an "Impaired Charge".

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:04 pm
by viper1

I thought that it was .022 per drink.

I agree with the .015 per hour elimination though.

4 drinks in an hour would be .088 - .015= .073

Above for 160 pound man.

Years ago the police used to release a chart like that.



Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:12 pm
by OPS Copper

We bring in volunteers for our courses. You do need to know a cop so you know when the call out goes.

On my intoxilyzer 8000C course( for lack of a better term it is what most call the breathalyzer machine) I drank what I would in a typical night, 5 drinks of rum . I thought I was going to blow over 100 as i felt like i was obliterated. There was no way I would have driven. I blew a high of 62.

The this i also learned is there is no set pattern such as 1 drink per hour. That as it really is individual. We had one seasoned drinker that had 10 drinks and only blew a warn and a small female that he 5 and hit almost 200.

Best policy is anymore than one drink take a cab as that is a whole lot less than an impaired charge. That is what I do now that I know.

When people talk that they only blew an 80 i know know that for most people that is smashed


Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:08 pm
by Reflections
When people talk that they only blew an 80 i know know that for most people that is smashed

I think what I lean towards is that the general public might benefit from a sitdown with a bottle and an Intoxilyzer just to see what the "numbers" feel like.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:35 pm
by OPS Copper
Reflections wrote:
When people talk that they only blew an 80 i know know that for most people that is smashed

I think what I lean towards is that the general public might benefit from a sitdown with a bottle and an Intoxilyzer just to see what the "numbers" feel like.

Are you going to pay for it. People scream when they find out how many cruisers are bought. So who will pay for the instruments and operators?

There are not many courses that many volunteers could be solicited. This year we ran 1 course.


Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:31 am
by Reflections
Are you going to pay for it. People scream when they find out how many cruisers are bought. So who will pay for the instruments and operators?

Those who are wondering can pay..... putting a price tag on knowledge is always the worst thing you can do.....