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My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:43 pm
by pretty_miffed

I live in Hamilton. This evening, as I was driving home from a long day at work, I came to the intersection at Robert and John in the downtown region. I was on Robert St waiting to cross John and blocking my way and the way of any vehicles trying to turn on to Robert, was an SUV in the middle of the intersection talking to 2 cops on bikes. There was not enough room for me to pass, so I beeped my horn. When they looked up at me, I motioned if they could just move over a bit to the left to let me by. ( There were cars parked on both sides but where the car was stopped was right in the intersection so the SUV just had to pull over a bit for me to get around the parked car and him.)

The male cop lost it. He let the SUV go and started to make an angry motion for me to pull over. So I did and asked him what the problem was, that I hadn't done anything wrong. I just wanted to get by. He said that he had the right to ask anyone to identify themselves so he asked for my license, reg and insurance which I gave to him. Then he starts looking through his little law book reading stuff. Anyway, to make a long story short, he gave me a ticket for 'unnecessary noise'. He said there was no reason for me to blow my horn. I didn't lean on my horn, I just beeped it to let them know I couldn't get by and asked if they would just move a bit to the left to let me by. Not unreasonable. My theory is that this guy just didn't like the fact that I would consider beeping my horn at an "officer of the law". Even though he was blocking traffic and actually in an unsafe position himself. Anyone coming around the corner whose view was blocked by a parked car could have hit him and I told him this. I asked him why he stopped the guy in the middle of the street and didn't pull him out of the way of traffic and he responded "Because I can". *edited 1*

So I'm fighting it of course. It's $110 bucks, so I could easily pay it, but I'm just fed up with this attitude cops have. Why should I be afraid to beep my horn and let them know that I'd like to get by???? I own a home in the area, pay taxes and work 2 jobs. I have rights too and it's hard to believe that wanting to pass by so I can get home to my supper is illegal. I mean, what a waste of time.

*edited 2*

Re: My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:14 pm
by Traffic Law

I agree with you 100%. Fight this one and do not let up.

Re: My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:22 pm
by diehard

Does this ticket affect insurance?

Re: My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:24 am
by pretty_miffed

No. It couldn't possibly. Because the charge is too ambiguous. I mean, what is 'unnecessary noise'? It could be your car stereo on too loud. And as for beeping a horn...I mean, the cop thought it was unnecessary, but I certainly thought it was necessary to let them know that I wasn't able to get around them and to please move over a foot or two so I could get back on my merry way. So the insurance companies couldn't possibly let a charge like that affect your insurance. This ticket is just a big pain in the butt and a waste of taxpayer's money. ESPECIALLY since I live in a high crime area where there are drug dealers and prostitutes getting up to no good. I was just trying to get home after a long day at work. Grrrrr. You can tell it still makes me mad. I'm waiting for word on when my court date is.

Re: My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:25 am
by Stanton
diehard wrote:Does this ticket affect insurance?

The OP is wrong, it can affect your insurance rates. Most companies would consider unnecessary noise a minor conviction regardless of the circumstances.

My personal experience is that your insurance rates won't increase with just one minor conviction, but with two or more you could start looking at a 5-10% rate increase.

It's always best to contact your insurance company and ask them directly how a particular charge will affect your rates.

Re: My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:52 am
by pretty_miffed

Well that's dumb. But I don't know for sure and I'm only going by why seems sensible and I should know by now how many of our laws actually don't make sense. For example, losing 3 points for being caught driving in the HOV lane. Like that's causing any danger to other drivers which is the only reason that makes sense to me why there would be such a deterrent as 'points loss' for a traffic violation.

Anyway, I'm fighting it and the judge won't convict me of this. I would, however, like a chance to make a statement to the judge to the effect that I think this is a waste of taxpayers money ( of which I'm one ) to use up the court's time on such a ridiculous change. It's amazing to me how some people, like this particular cop, just aren't able to handle a position of power. He could have handled this in a much better way that would have resulted in a positive experience on both sides. That's even if it needed 'handling'. I mean for crying out loud, all I did was beep my horn to ask if he could let me by. All this because I was impatient to get home to my supper after working all day.

But as it is, the only thing I can do is to sit back, wait for my court date and then enjoy the experience. I'm not worried about it, just 'pretty miffed'! ;-)

Re: My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:21 pm
by Stanton
pretty_miffed wrote:I would, however, like a chance to make a statement to the judge to the effect that I think this is a waste of taxpayers money ( of which I'm one ) to use up the court's time on such a ridiculous change. It's amazing to me how some people, like this particular cop, just aren't able to handle a position of power. He could have handled this in a much better way that would have resulted in a positive experience on both sides. That's even if it needed 'handling'. I mean for crying out loud, all I did was beep my horn to ask if he could let me by. All this because I was impatient to get home to my supper after working all day.

Soapbox speeches go over like a lead balloon in court. I appreciate you feel the officer could have handled the situation much better, but that's completely irrelevant to your charge. Stick to the facts in issue. Mentioning that you're a taxpayer will simply raise the ire of the J.P., possibly result in YOU getting a lecture, and make it more likely that the Court side with the officer if there's any question to a person's behaviour/demeanour.

There are plenty of methods to address your concerns over the situation outside of trial. Just focus on beating the ticket in Court.

Re: My Story Of "unnecessary Noise"

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:32 pm
by pretty_miffed

Thank Stanton. That's very good advice that I will remember. I will stay calm and collected and stick to the facts and just b****tch about it with my friends where it won't get me into any trouble! You're right. It's not an opportunity to grandstand.