Easy answer... The Insurance Industry. There was a time (early 80's) when owning up and paying for you indiscretions would certainly sting!... but your insurance company didn't take advantage of the odd ticket or two. Today, insurance companies take, take, take. Most folks won't even report accident damage less then $4,000 because they're terrified of where their rates will go.
So once someone recognizes how they're being taken advantage of, they just might come to the conclusion that they need to form strategies to protect themselves.
Officer:"Do you know fast you were driving?"
(the old days): "Yah, I'm sure it was pretty fast... sorry 'bout that"
- You got your ticket, drove to the court house, and paid up. You hated it, - but you knew you had to pay up. You're conscience told you so.
Officer:"Do you know fast you were driving?"
(today): "Oh, I'm quite certain I wasn't over the speed limit"
- You get your ticket, drive to the court house, and plead not-guilty.
- You know how important (financially) it is to save yourself from your insurance company. You sacrifice a small part of your dignity in a desperate attempt to maintain a reasonable life style.
It's not just civilians that should be questioned. An officer from a neighboring city was recently charged with reckless driving, impaired driving, and leaving the scene of an accident. So why didn't he just tell the truth and accept the consequences? Because the stakes are so high these days. Life-altering-high.
Ultimately, I fully trust what my wife says and what most of my long-time friends say (from the old days). That's about it.