Suspended License Due To Health Condition
I went in to the ER recently as I had fainted (first time) for a moment while at home . The ER doctor said he *had* to contact MTO and advise them to suspend my license until a cause was found. Anyway, I went through a battery of heart and other tests for the past 10 days which did not turn up any cause. Over this time I have not had another fainting incident. The doctor who ordered the tests (a different doctor than the ER doc. who suspended my license) said that his understanding was that after 7 days, if no other incident took place and tests couldn't determine what the problem was, then your license could be reinstated - he wrote me a letter to that effect essentially saying in his opinion I was safe to drive and didn't have any further fainting incidents.
My question is this: Do I have to contact the MTO about this? (I don't even know if they even received the ER doctor's request to suspend my license). Does the MTO have their own procedures that I must follow??? I have yet to receive any contact from the MTO (but it's been less than 2 weeks since the ER trip). Essentially I want my license reinstated ASAP - can I resume driving as long as I have this letter from my doctor or is there something else I must do??
Any insight would be deeply appreciated!
Thank you.