Stunt Suspension Affecting Insurance If You Get Off?
I know I seen this somewhere in the forum but can't find it. I'd like to clarify two things:
1. 7 day Suspension happens (sadly you are assumed guilty) and you get the charges dropped or stayed, I understand suspension stays on record and no way to remove it? (obviously not fair)
2. In the above case, Insurance companies still ask you if your license was even suspended in the last 6 years for any reason, so now your rates are affected even if proven innocent? Can they still use a suspension for something you are not guilty of against you? Obviously this is even more unfair, either you need to be able to remove a suspension from your record for something your not guilty of OR Insurance companies should not be able to use it against you.
3. A spin on the above, if you get a deal from the Crown for speeding or a lesser charge, again the Suspension from the Stunt Driving is still on your record and affecting your Insurance with no way to remove it?