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Do Both Officers Need To Show Up In Court For Conviction ?

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:37 am
by ticket123

I got 2 tickets this year at the same time for not having a current sticker on my plate.

7(1)(c)(i) & 7(1)(a)

The sticker from my other vehicle was mixed up and placed on the wrong vehicle. Both on the plate and ownership.

When I was stopped 2 officers came out. I believe officer 2 was in training.

Officer 1 gave me the ticket and was the commanding talker then.

But .... officer 2 assisted and did have conversation with me, for example asked for me to give her my vehicle keys as officer 1 took my plates off.

I have opted to take this to court.

My question is, does officer 2 need to be present in court as a witness for me to be able to ask questions, even though officer 1 says that she is only in training ?

Would it be grounds for the ticket to be dismissed if ony one officer shows up ?

Re: Do Both Officers Need To Show Up In Court For Conviction

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:43 pm
by Stanton

No, both wouldn't need to attend unless there was some key evidence only one could give. The Crown decides who they want to attend to give evidence, and may only require one officer. An example of when both need to attend would be if one observed you speeding and another one pulled you over. In your case though it sounds like both officers would give the exact same evidence.