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Missing Topics

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:04 pm
by racer

We have recently added a new "Stunt Driving" topic in 7-point subforum. Do you feel that there is any other topic missing from our forum? Let me know, either by replying here or via PM. We work hard to ensure that the forum is easy to use for everyone.


Must be an offence "contary to OHTA"

should (but doesn't have to) bear demerit points

Be about an issue that people deal with a lot

Issue can be open to abuse on the side of authority

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:29 pm
by hwybear

Racer: Stunt Driving is only 6 demerit points, falls under same section 172 as racing

Maybe a section for "Commercial Motor Vehicles". Usually fines are doubled for any driver of a CMV.

