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Ticket Reopening After Suspension For Unpaid Fines

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:32 pm
by HorseToHorsepower

I had recently discovered that my license was suspended for unpaid fines for a ticket that was supposed to have been taken care of by my representative. In addition, NO documentation was ever sent to me regarding the issue. After speaking to a friend he suggested I go and have the tickets reopened. I applied for the reopening on Sept. 28 and was told to call back in 4-5 days.

I called the court office on Oct. 4 (after over an hour on hold) and was told to call back in a week! After nearly losing it and explaining to the woman that I live in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by cows and fields with no access to transit, she told me she'd get an update and call back. Today now being Oct. 5, still no call, and I'm spending another hour and change on the phone waiting to speak to a human being.

Is there anyway to expedite this whole process? I was told that after the re-opening was granted that it takes another 3-4 days to have the license reinstated!! That could be another 2-3 weeks and the amount of money I lose because of this is the cherry on top.

Any advice would be appreciated.