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Global Tv's Street Racing Special Tonight

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:54 pm
by gullyfourmyle

Apparently the street racer special starts tonight. Christina, the reporter who Tim and I were interviewed by told me it was to air on October 1st. Maybe tonight is a lead up. There was a couple of short advisories about it yesterday but I thought I'd wait to talk to Christina or at least Global but after several tries, I've had no luck.

Whatever is on tonight, it comes at the end of the six pm news I think on


It seems there will be a different aspect each night so the show could last the entire week.

When Christina interviewed us, she seemed pretty positive about what we were saying so maybe the issue is going to be treated fairly.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:55 pm
by BelSlySTi

I love them T-shirts :lol:

Where did u guys get them :arrow: BelSlySti :D ... ct=3120782

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:52 pm
by Bookm

Tonight's (Wed.) episode demonstrated how TV producers can really destroy an important story.

The focus tonight was on a women who lost her daughter to a street racer. There were two cars involved in a race (though it was reported that the other motorist was found not-guilty). The speeding car was estimated to be driving in excess of 170kph in a populated area. It looked to me like the speed limit would have been maybe 60kph max. This means the driver was in excess of 100kph OVER THE SPEED LIMIT! This type of criminal act has absolutely nothing to do with the concerns we have regarding Bill 207. To use this act of one nut-job to sway public opinion about the stunt laws is, IMO, professional misconduct at the very least. I despise GLOBAL news for running this story in the format they chose.

The women in this story was truly a victim of the type of driver I thought the Bill was going to target: A truly dangerous driver who has lost the ability to think rationally; two cars racing in a competition in a populated area with a clear likelihood a tragedy will result.

So how many of the 8,000 impound'ees so far have fit the scenario Global News has highlighted?? Any??? And the scary thing is, their loyal viewers will sit back in their easy-chairs, nodding their heads, "Yep, them TV people must know what they're talking about. After all, TV people wouldn't mislead us, right?"


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:26 pm
by hwybear

Think you are referring to Bill 203.

I have yet to watch it any of the episode, however if what you describe is part of it..........that is excellent.

Reason being IF the news does a documentary on an issue, they should do just that and not from a biased anti-law hating perspective and not from a pro law hammer everyone perspective.

The report should get views from both sides equally so that each individual can make their decisions with all the information available to them.

I have my own opinion and a lot is based on what I see on a daily/weekly basis. Most do not realize what I see so often!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:29 pm
by Reflections

Great, now we are going to 'bear doing a Cam Wooley impression........."and they were just going way to fast for the conditions. Everyone needs to slow down out there......"

When are you going to apply for that position???? :?: :D