Novice Driver - Bac Above Zero
Hi, I hope this is in the correct section (officer told me it was 0 points).
Back-story: I am a 25yr old male with my G2. I simply do not have time to get my G - I work full time and attend college. I had been at a friends house in the country (a farmhouse) for a birthday party. I am responsible and nobody will ever get me to start my car if I've been drinking, so as always I came prepared to stay the night. I had slept over 8 hours before leaving at 11:30 in the morning. I felt fine and was not impaired at all at this point.
I was driving home on a Sunday (approx 11:45am), came up to an officer stopping every car (not a RIDE program) on an obscure backroad. Asked for my license, then asked if I had anything to drink today, I said no. He asked where I was coming from, I stated a friends house. He then asked when my last drink was, I stated 12+ hours ago. At this point he said I am allowed zero BAC and should pull over as he was going to breathalyze me.
I blew something like 0.021. I am not certain of the actual number, at this point he was fairly threatening that if it showed anything but zero I would be screwed, so I can't recall it. I was literally shaking during this time. I know it was far under the limit for G-class drivers.
He then wrote me a ticket and said "Your license is suspended for 24 hours, you are free to go. This is not a criminal offense nor will it incur any demerit points. If you do not have someone that can pick up your car shortly, it will be towed at your expense". contrary to HTA 44.1 (3) His demeanor changed and he acted friendly, playing off the ticket as being very minor... he also asked what I did for a living and I explained "I work for ______ full time and attend college" HThere was no other discussion.
However bad the situation, I was quite relieved to hear that and made quick work of finding a friend that could drive my car. I can't afford $300+ for towing.
I waited approx. 45 mins for my friends - while waiting the officer asked what I had been drinking. I stated "beer" and did not continue the conversation. My friends retrieved my car and the situation ended.
- The officer did not take my license. He just told me I couldn't drive for 24 hours. Is this normal?
- He never stated any other repurcussions. I was not told (as I understand the HTA) that if guilty I lose my license an additional 30 days. I am also unclear whether I have to 'start over again' with a G1...?
- I have no record of my BAC. I only blew once, and he didn't provide any record of it, so I can't even remember the exact number.
At this point I am fairly sure I have to fight it... I'm just looking for some guidance or pointers to get me going in the right direction. If I lose my license or insurance skyrockets, I can't get to work or college... my life is essentially ruined.