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All Records Erased When You Turn 18?!?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:02 pm
by miljan77

Theres alot going around about all your records being erased when you turn 18 i am 17 years old and im just wondering is that true? and if so does it apply to any laws youve broken on the road. (accidents, dui , etc...)

thanks in advance

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:15 pm
by ticketcombat

If the charges are under the Young Offenders Act then there are provisions to seal/destroy records. Info can be found here under Destruction and Disclosure of Records.

But if it's a provincial offence matter, like speeding for example, then a cop will be able to see that on his computer for all time (even when you are 80 years old!)