I would not take this personally, the civil lawsuit is to extract money from your insurance liability. In order for her to go after your insurance, she needs to sue you. Your insurance company will then hire lawyers to defend you and take over the case.
Normally drivers in Ontario have $1M policies, but you're also allowed to have a minimum of $200k. As long as she's suing you for an amount less than your liability, you're protected and won't have to worry about anything.
If however you have a $200k policy and she's suing you for $2M then you may have to take steps to ensure the settlement/award will fall below. If it does not, then you'll have to pay the rest out of your own pocket.
Your accident benefits most likely paid for some of her treatment, in Ontario if you're in the minor injury category.. you're eligible for $3500, if you're in the major injury category it's $50k. I believe you could pay more in premiums to have these minimums increased. Based on the injuries and treatment, it's hard to say which category the insurance put her in. I've heard of cases where victims have lost limbs and still placed in the minor injury category. Spent tens of thousands of dollars for treatment, and reached very low settlements several years down the road.
Things get a lot more complicated with physiotherapy today because personal injury lawyers guarantee the clinics money, in order to continue treatment. So if she does reach a settlement/award, the clinics are the first ones paid. In the event she does not get any money, the clinics will still get paid. So they have to be pretty confident in winning money in order to guarantee to this.
To be fair, your friend seems to have gone through a pretty horrific experience and has evidence of bone fractures, facial surgery and scarring. To belittle her experience is not correct, regardless of who's at-fault for the accident. Drivers in the GTA are sued for a lot less, generally psychological and minor injuries that can not be seen on x-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds, etc... as ynotp described spouses suing each other, and then sleeping in the same bed is not out of the norm. At the end of the day the married couple don't have to spend any money, and will both enjoy the settlement/award from one of their insurance policies.
I've been in Mississauga Traffic Court where the Justice of Peace accepted the other driver may have ran the red light, but said the left turning driver has to make sure that the way is clear and must anticipate red light runners. Driver was found guilty and had to pay $110 fine. Even if your friend testified as a witness at your traffic trial, her evidence would be given less weight because she's not an independent witness.
Some more information, you'll have to attend a deposition down the road. Which will be recorded. You'll be in a room with your insurance company lawyer, friend's lawyer and the other driver's lawyer. They'll be asking you questions about the accident, and other relevant questions. You most likely won't have to stay there long, but your friend will have to endure at least 8hrs of questioning about her entire life (family, friends, job, education, sex, activities).