Reduced Speeding Ticket & Failure To Show Proof Of Insurance
Hello Everyone,
I have until May 16th to choose an option for two tickets, and would appreciate any help on the matter:
The Situation
Pulled over on a county road on my way to work around 7:30am, police officer said I was doing 102 km/h in a 50 km/h zone. I was not told what device was used to determine this, nor is that written on my ticket (not implying the officer messed up, just stating the facts in case that is important).
I was in my parents car and the proof of insurance was not in the car (dad took it out to look at the manual, in the blue packet with P.O.I, and forgot to put it back).
The Issued Tickets
The officer was proof that angels walk among us and let me off with the following tickets:
- Speeding- 65km/h in a 50 km/h- $52.50 total payable
- Fail to surrender Insurance Card- $65.00 total payable
I believe neither of these come with points which, considering what he could've charged me with, I consider to be an early birthday present...
Possible Resolutions
Since the initial ticket expense is relatively little to someone working full time, I am concerned with the effects this will have on insurance.
I am switching over to my own insurance on May 15th (when I turn 25), and will take action on that day so the offence(s) will not affect my premium until
the following year.
I believe my best course of action is Option 2: Early Resolution- Meet with prosecutor, from what I have read I think I need to file both tickets the same?
My hope is that I can bring proof of insurance, ownership into the prosecturion to have at least the fail to produce charge dropped? I don't really want to fight the speeding charge in case they bring
the charge up to the original speed...
Obviously in my due diligence I have contacted "Ticket Defenders" who have said they will fight both charges for $300+tax. But I
don't see how likely it is they will defeat both, and (using quick online quotes to compare) my insurance would only go up $530 over two years
pleading to both, and $312 over two years if I get the fail to produce taken off. I have pretty much ruled out this option because best case scenario,
they get both charges dropped and save me $191 in insurance and $117.50 in ticket costs... Worst case scenario they drop 1 and plea to the other and I'm
still paying more than just pleading to both would cost me...
I am okay with taking the speeding charge on the chin for 2 reasons:
1- I don't have any reason to believe it can be quashed,
2- I was doing double the speed limit; 15km/h over and no points is a small price to pay...
I just want to make sure that choosing early resolution and trying to get the fail to produce charge dropped by pleading guilty to the speeding
charge is my best course of action...
Thank you for all of your help