Ride Program, Your Rights, Weigh In
I know that the RIDE program has been covered extensively in these great forums, but I have a question about the stop itself:
I recently was stopped for a RIDE Program and the officer asked me to roll the window down all of the way (I had it at half and could easily communicate with them). I told them that I could hear them just fine and they insisted I roll it down all of the way. Again I told them that I could hear them just fine and then they told me they needed to smell my breath. After giving a 'gross' face to them I reluctantly rolled the window down. I had not been drinking. Was I correct in refusing initially? What are my rights?
They then asked me if I had anything to drink that evening to which I replied "Let me as you a question: Is it against the law in the province of Ontario to consume alcohol and operate a motor vehicle?". I received a perplexed look. Then they responded "Sometimes" to which I smiled. It was probably the best response I had ever received when I've asked that question.
Then then proceeded to ask me where I was going (I pointed with one finger ahead and said "That way") and then of course they asked me where I had come from (I pointed one finger behind me and said "That way"). I was then sent on my way.
I'm not a big fan of baseless stops but I thought I'd let others weigh in on rights and opinions on RIDE programs.
Thank you