3 Tickets At Once !
Hi everyone I'm new to this forum , I just wanted some suggestion on what to do.
So basically today when I was leaving from my gf house to go to school in the morning to be exact at 8:15 AM I got pulled over by a
cop 200 meters away from her house or 300 ? but I dont know if I can say pull over because he was parked behind the stop sign on the
right hand sign so what basically happened is I have the tendency of driving few meters before putting my seat belt on (which I learned my lesson)
so when I was putting my seat belt on at the same time I saw the officer park there and he saw me and pointed his fingers telling me to park in front
of him and I can tell you for sure there is no way he had clear view of me putting my seat belts because the sun was hitting right through his eyes,
in this case what should I do early resolution or go to trial ? my second and third ticket were fail to have an insurance card because I just had the copy
and not the original and the last one was because my car permit card which is the copy too at the back of it the ticket expired and i just forgot to put the new
one which I have at home.
One more thing when the cop pulls you over do they audio record you ?
Thank You for the help and sorry for the messy writting