Lidar Manual
Does anybody have a lidar manual I can review? Any manufacture will do as I just want to see how it works.
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Does anybody have a lidar manual I can review? Any manufacture will do as I just want to see how it works.
Does lidar measure distance/length?
L.I.D.A.R. Light Detection And Ranging. Speed is calculated by time of flight...A pulse of light goes out at a known speed, a timer is started...a portion of the beam is returned to the source and the time is stopped. Knowing how long the pulse of light has been gone will give you a distance. Two pulses can be compared to calculate a speed. This process happens many times to keep calculating speed.
Okay so it is a time calculation!
Does read out it show you the distance as well as the speed? Or speed only?
It will show the distance as well as the speed. The distance, however, is not an essential element and is not always recorded by the officer.
I don't think a manual would have helped anyway. The one I'm looking st doesn't say how it works, just how to use the product.
How it works is taught in class.