So the notes look pretty good (as in good for the officer, not good for you).
Now if you take it trial to fight, they will raise it up to 19 over at the trial which means 3 demerits and a slightly larger fine. But remember demerits really don't mean much unless you already have 6 or more accumulated. And a 15 over ticket with 0 demerits will still affect your insurance exactly the same as a 19 over ticket. Insurance just sees SPEEDING CONVICTION and does not care if it is 1 over or 49 over. But since you already have a conviction, if you just plead guilty then you are for sure going to see an insurance increase, so it might be beneficial to try and fight it.
In order to win, you will need to try and bring reasonable doubt to the officers testimony and/or the speed measuring device. So given that the officer has good notes, you have limited defenses available to you. There is no one defense that works all the time, so you need to come up with as many as you can and use them all.
If you do not have any experience in court and you want to represent yourself, then you should plan on losing as most self represented people lose, especially their first time in court. So hiring a good paralegal might be an option you should consider. If you decide to hire one, make sure you interview several and find one that is actually willing to raise a defense and is not just going to try and get you a plea deal. NOTE: The problem with a plea deal on a speeding ticket, is that they MIGHT offer to lower the speed and reduce the fine, but it will still be a speeding conviction that will appear on your driving record and affect your insurance.
Some suggestions for defenses
- you were compelled to give drivers license as ID, so ID should be thrown out (common law confessions rule).
- reasonable doubt to officers independent recollection (see this thread and read thru attached defense for example questions).
- reasonable doubt to officer following proper testing procedures as listed in the manual (need manual and need to question every step of process like how was distance measured for testing purposes?)
- the laser device measures distance so therefore should fall under the Canada Weights and Measures act but is not certified by them and therefore the speed evidence should be thrown out (Weights and Measures Act ... lText.html and read definitions for "device" and "static measure").
Anyways, definitely all hard defenses to use, so again if you are not up to it a good paralegal that sees these as possible defenses would be the paralegal that you want to use.