Correct Set And Total Payable Fine But Wrong Offence
Hoping I can get some advice on the following situation:
Just got a speeding ticket today (December 6th 2015) in Mississauga near terry fox and eglinton. I was told by the officer that I was doing 84km in a 50km. I didnt say anything, just presented my licence and registration. He came back and said, and I quote "I will give you a concession. You were 34km above limit, which comes with 4 demerit points and $250+ fine. I will make it just 15km over, which has no points, and set fine of $52.50" I took the ticket and he drove off.... After reaching home, I saw the ticket more carefully, and i noticed that even though he got the set fine ($37.5) and total payable ($52.50) correct (google tells me that is the fine for going 15km over limit), under the "did commit the offence of" he wrote "speeding 75km in a posted 50 om zone"..... instead of writing 65kmh........ given that he specifically mentioned the fine of $52.50 and said I wont get any demerit points (not true for being 25km over), I am pretty sure the office just made a mathematical error...
question.. is this a fatal error ? should I appeal and fight in court ? or simply do nothing as many have suggested for fatal errors (if this is one)...
will appreciate your thoughts/comments on this...