Missing Sign Posted (northbound) Yet Showing Southbound.
Was alleged speeding in an un-posted road traveling south to north. The officer was parked in-front of a natural gas pumping station that had signage of no parking and danger (no smoking). Regardless from start of the road (south) traveling north the officer was hidden in a dip in the road. From the start of the south point of the road all the way up 600 meters to the officers car there was not one single sign posted in this direction. However on the opposite side I discovered afterwards had proper signage. The regulations state that the signes shall be erected in each direction of travel.
As per the regulations:
R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 615, s. 1; O. Reg. 339/09, s. 1.
2. (1) Subject to section 4, where a maximum rate of speed other than that prescribed by subsection 128 (1) of the Act is prescribed for a highway in a local municipality or built-up area, speed limit signs shall be erected on the highway, in each direction of travel,
(a) not more than 600 metres apart where the speed limit prescribed is 60 kilometres per hour or less; and
I did question the officer saying I did not notice any sign and the officer stated 'It's up the road want me to show you it' I said I would take the officers word. Later to find out there was no posted sign in this direction of travel.
3 Days after I request a trial the sign (that was never there for sure at least 7 years) they erected the sign as it should be on the right hand sign as soon as you turn onto the road (consistent with all the other roads around that area).
We have all pictures of the roads prior and after.
This area was rural on road XYZ. The ticket wrote 'Speeding in a Posted 50/KM per hour'.
My questions are:
1. If the street XYZ at said time had no sign and there is evidence to support this the word 'Posted' is it valid on the ticket?
2. Why would a sign be erected immediately following me notice to appear?
3. Is it possible that an officer could be referring to another sign posted on another road in a separate direction of travel?
4. I know as humans we all require reminders and typically on rural roads the signs are posted on the right hand side to make drivers aware and promote safe driving is it possible I will just be convicted anyways?
5. Last but not least: If anyone can provide me with reference to a similar case where signage was missing from one direction compared to the other I would appreciate it also willing to pay for such information.
I've studied a lot of cases this week I've noticed when signs are the issue officers testify that they confirmed signs in both directions of travel. However I can't seem to find one that is just missing and suddenly erected.