jsherk wrote:The summons date is NOT your trial date. You will show up and they will ask you how you want to plead, guilty or not guilty. Your options are:
1- Plead guilty -not recommended-
2- Plead not guilty and request disclosure and they will set a trial date for you.
3- Request disclosure before you decide how to plead and they will set another summons date for you.
The problem with option 3 is that you have to go back to court again for a second summons date in order to plead to the charge and get a trial date set. So I usually recommend option 2.
You can certainly request disclosure before the summons date, but there is no guarantee they will have it ready by then and you would still need to time to review it anyways, so in my opinion you should just wait until the summons date and ask for it then. NOTE: Remember to request the speed measuring device manual in your disclosure request as well.
Officer does not have to support the summons so to speak (and the officer will not be at the summons date), but when you request disclosure you are basically asking for the officers notes and the officers notes are what he will testify in court at your trial, so you need to review the notes in order to decide if he has everything to support the charge or not. The officer needs to be at the trial date that is set in order to testify and not at the summons date.
There is no real way to know what prosecutor will be there, other than attending court yourself on a regular basis and making note of which prosecutor is there.
Once you get the officers notes/disclosure post it here so we can review. There is no way to guess until we see officers notes.
What is the exact charge(s)?
The summons is for "stunt driving - speeding - 135 kph in 80 kph zone" -- sites only hwy act 172(1)
There were also summons issued for failure to surrender license, failure to surrender permit, failure to surrender insurance card and operate motor vehicle without insurance. [I have all those things, license, permit(registration) and insurance, just didn't have them in vehicle that day)
All summons were signed by officer except the stunt driving summons.
There were no tickets written that day.
Vehicle impounded, license suspended (7 day) -- administrative suspension, so not sure of its effect on insurance rates.
Driving record is quite clean, and no at fault accidents ever; once someone ran a red light a t boned me at intersection.
There is separate topic on here http://www.ontariohighwaytrafficact.com/topic7529.html, with a wordy discussion (by me) ... essentially the 80 zone is on the end of 410 north, with in my view, insufficient signage of speed limit change. 410 typically has a 100 kph speed limit. That area is a well known for speed traps.
I did try to discuss this with officer that day ... but he had a very quick "I don't want to hear it!" response. I was surprised by that. -- maybe the last person he pulled over gave him a much harder time of it ...
Option 3 sounds like it would delay any effect on insurance rates, the longest, but insurance won't renew for another 10 months anyways.