Recommended Charge To Plea Down To?
So I got busted for driving 10 over the speed limit.
I don't deny it. I was excited to bring the kids to my mother in law, so I laid the pedal 1.4mm closer to the floor than I normally do.
In any event, I got busted and would rather not use up my family's "ticket forgiveness" clause on our insurance for something so stupid. I have a pristine abstract and would like to keep it that way.
I've asked for a meeting with the prosecutor. They referred me not to my local POA court (e.g. local to where I live and to where the offense took place), but rather to one 30 kilometers away. Can they do that?
When I meet with the prosecutor, I would like to ask that we plea it to something that won't go on my abstract at all - a parking ticket, a loud muffler, etc. I figure that since it is a provincial employee, the province will want to keep the money so parking is probably out. The total fine is $40, so I'm willing to spend say, up to $75 to keep it completely off my abstract.
What offenses won't show up on my abstract and potentially harm my insurance premiums?