
Speeding Ticket For Driving 100 Km/h In 60 Km/h Zone

Author: Thebigbog

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Speeding Ticket For Driving 100 Km/h In 60 Km/h Zone

Unread post by Thebigbog »

Good evening, hopefully someone will be able to help me.

I got a speeding ticket for driving 100 km/h in 60 km/h zone.

I asked to meet with the prosecutor, and also asked to disclose the evidence against me.

On the evidence disclosure the police officer stated that he got me with a hand held radar while his vihicle was parked on a private driveway.

When actually he was following me on a twisted and hilly side road, so basically he gave a false statement.

My question is how I can prove it? And if I can prove it will the ticket will be dismissed?

And does Halton police use dash cams?

And if they do, can I ask to see the recording from that day to prove that the officer gave a false statement?


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Re: Speeding Ticket For Driving 100 Km/h In 60 Km/h Zone

Unread post by bend »

I don't quite follow how that makes his statement false. It's common for officers to follow a vehicle before pulling someone over.

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Re: Speeding Ticket For Driving 100 Km/h In 60 Km/h Zone

Unread post by Thebigbog »

The officer stated in his report that he was parked and used a radar to get my speed.

When actually he was driving behind me and didn’t used the radar.

And I’m sure I was not going 100 km/h.

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Re: Speeding Ticket For Driving 100 Km/h In 60 Km/h Zone

Unread post by bend »

I don't get it. What exactly are you assuming here? That all officers who use radar on the side of the road wont put their car in drive and follow you? That does happen.

They might not pull you over right away for several reasons. The most common because they want to know who they are pulling over before they stick their face in front of your window.

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Re: Speeding Ticket For Driving 100 Km/h In 60 Km/h Zone

Unread post by argyll »

If you post the disclosure (blacking out personal info) we can comment further.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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