Speeding Ticket For Driving 100 Km/h In 60 Km/h Zone
Good evening, hopefully someone will be able to help me.
I got a speeding ticket for driving 100 km/h in 60 km/h zone.
I asked to meet with the prosecutor, and also asked to disclose the evidence against me.
On the evidence disclosure the police officer stated that he got me with a hand held radar while his vihicle was parked on a private driveway.
When actually he was following me on a twisted and hilly side road, so basically he gave a false statement.
My question is how I can prove it? And if I can prove it will the ticket will be dismissed?
And does Halton police use dash cams?
And if they do, can I ask to see the recording from that day to prove that the officer gave a false statement?