Right-of-way Simultaneous Right And Left Turn Opposing Traffic
Can anyone please clarify if it is legal for a car turning left to make a turn at the same time as car turning right. They start off as opposing traffic but are turning into the same two lane road.
I approach an intersecton on a green light, start making a right turn. At exactly the same time a car from opposite direction turns left. We are both turning at the same time: me to the right lane, the other driver into the left lane.
I always thought the right turning driver has the right-of-way ant the other driver has to wait until I complete my turn. This seems to be standard practice in every day driving, except when meeting an agressive driver.
I'va always been taught that "law" prohibits lane changes and turns if at least two lanes aren't clear in the direction of movement. I'm saying "law" because it's just someone's say so.
To me it seems like the left turning vehicle in my scenario should wait. Simultaneous turns create unnecessarily tense situations because most people simply don't do it.
What does the Law say about this? What does the common sense say?
Curious as to you opinions.