
Left Turn Onto Road With Center Turn Lane. Which Lane To Turn Into?

Author: ???

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Left Turn Onto Road With Center Turn Lane. Which Lane To Turn Into?

Unread post by ??? »

I recently moved to Ontario from overseas and am wondering, when turning left onto a road that has a center turn lane, from a side street/business, as you're suppose to turn into the left most lane, should you turn into the center turn lane first and move over right away (assuming it's safe to do so), or are you suppose to completely skip over the turn lane and go into the left most driving lane?

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Re: Left Turn Onto Road With Center Turn Lane. Which Lane To Turn Into?

Unread post by highwaystar »

You are suppose to turn in to the left most lane that is "provided for the use of traffic moving in the direction". So, if there is a left turn lane or centre lane for the direction you are turning into, you must first enter that lane (when your left turn can be made safely). Then, if you want to go straight in that direction, you will need to make a lane change to the lane closest to your right (again, when safe to do so) so you can proceed straight. You can't simply make a left turn and disregard the first lane you encounter for the direction you will be going (i.e. centre/left turn lane). It gets more difficult when you need to make a left turn from a driveway/business on to a road that has 2 or more left turn lanes because now you have to enter each left turn lane separately before you finally move to your right so as to proceed forward because you must make the entire maneuver safely and not impede traffic. That is, you can't stop in the left turn lane because you need to move over to the right to go straight instead of turn left again--doing so is impeding with traffic (another type of violation)! I hope this clarifies things.

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