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Question On Drivers License If It Gets Suspended ?

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:42 am
by bobajob

Hey guy's

well I recently had a major Heart attack, commonly known as a widowmaker, I was minutes away from death (thought I had indigestion) and the EMT's took me to hospital and I survived.

Many months later I'm on LTD (long term disability) due to go back to work soon. BUT I have been looking into some possible treatment I might need, aka a defibrilator, (implanted) due to high heart rate. NOW, they may or may not recommend, and there is a lot going on, but here is the meat and potatoes :)

If I refuse treatment, or want to go a different route, I guess the doc can say, your refusing treatment, you have a serious condition, which could mean instant death with no warning and your not safe to drive. I am going to report you to the authorities.

The other option is I take the treatment, but I understand that they still have to report and my treatment would mean, license suspended for 6 months.

Problem is my job, travel can't do without a car, shift work etc. I also do school runs, pickups etc a lot of things.

When I had my angio, I was "asked" by the doctor not to drive for a month and yes I did that no problem.

If I do take treatment, is there anyway round a 6 month suspension, I'd basically loose my job. Does the doctor "have" to notify service ontario, can I argue or negotiate, less time ? or time out on good behavior ?

There is also a 1 month suspension, depending on your case, I "think" I wont fit that catagory and NOT sure if I could convince my doc to apply that catagory to my case


Re: Question On Drivers License If It Gets Suspended ?

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 5:28 pm
by bend

There's a certain list of conditions that doctors in Ontario are legally required to report to the ministry of transportation. Heart conditions are one.

I'm not sure where you fall because if they were going to report you, they probably would have done so already. But I guess just because one doctor hasn't, doesn't mean another wont as you continue to seek treatment.

I don't believe there's any timeframe on a medical suspension if reported from what I've seen. Usually, it's indefinite. The suspension would end once a doctor provides sufficient evidence to the ministry that would clear you to drive again. However, the suspension doesn't end when your doctor gives the OK. It still has to be rubber stamped by the ministry and they're pretty much moving at a first-come, first-served basis.

In your particular case, you at least have the advantage of knowing what's wrong with you.

For example, if someone blacks out and goes to a hospital, that person may be suspended easily for a year or more while they just cycle through test after test trying to find a diagnoses. There are equally long suspensions for those with alcohol dependencies as they prove their case on the road to recovery.

There's an article from the National Post here that discusses a bit of what you're going through.

Good luck. Hope you're feeling better.

Re: Question On Drivers License If It Gets Suspended ?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:09 pm
by Zatota

I can't help you with the procedural stuff, but I wanted to wish you well with your treatment. I hope all goes well.

Re: Question On Drivers License If It Gets Suspended ?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:29 pm
by bobajob

txs guy's Bend/Zatota,

Actually I'm doing a lot better, but I do have an arythmia, which the article talks about, it's still to early to tell, but from reading your notes and the article, I only have 1 word FUBARD

What I'm seeing is that they don't need a reason, and as bad as I think my situation is, its worse than I thought.