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Pulled Over For Speeding; Only Received A Warning

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:30 pm
by Zatota

Hi all. I haven't posted in a while, but I had a question.

A couple of weeks ago, I was pulled over for speeding. The officer said he had clocked me at 75 in a 50. I was actually going faster. Yes, I know I was speeding; I momentarily lost my focus and hit the pedal a little too hard.

In the end, the officer let me off with a warning. I have two theories: (1) he was in a good mood because I didn't give him any attitude, didn't talk back, etc.; or (2) he knew he'd never make a "maintained continuous eye contact" claim stick because I rounded a corner at least 100 metres ahead of him and there's no way he'd have been able to see me. I wasn't trying to evade him; I was simply ahead of him by the time he'd pulled onto the road and started pursuing me.

Here's my question. Because he gave me a formal warning on the same form as a ticket, is that warning "in the system"? If another officer stops me within a certain period of time, will that other officer know that another one has already given me a warning, potentially reducing the likelihood I'd get a roadside reduction or whatever? No, I don't get pulled over often, but anything can happen when one commutes every day.