Choosing Option 2 For Speeding: Any Risk At Er Prosecutor May Bump Up Speed To Original In A Code R Ticket?
I need help with a Reduced first speeding ticket brought down for 82 km to 70km over 50 km for $95. I want to choose option 2 for ER. Could the prosecutor instead of offering me 15 k over with no demerits which is my goal instead bump up the speed and backfire on my? If so, can I choose at that point to pay the fine at the original 70 km over for $95?
I have impeccable clean driving records. I drive according to speed limit always this was a speed trap and I had set the cruise control to the the main speed at Airport Rd of 82 km and hit the brakes on the 50 Loretto zone coming from the South... as I crossed the light I had an involuntary sneeze and I must have as a result either hit the gas more of the resume button, My car accelerated fast I immediately put the brakes by then the cop on the other side of the road sitting on the speed trap was pointing his index finger to pull over. He terrified me because he warned me not to choose option 2 or 3 in my ticket and to ensure to simply pay it because either option would bring my fine up to the original speed and more money and points. I feel I still have the right to explain myself and request to the Early Resolution Prosecutor in option 2 to please reduce it to 15 km over and not points. My question is since officer put the code R for reduced do I run the risk that the prosecutor will punish me with the larger original speed fine the cop claims? If so do I still at that point have the option and right to pay the original fine of 70 km over 50 km and $95 or I risk losing that right? The cop was very intimidating and had no compassion and told me the ticket would serve me as a good slap on my wrist and deter me to choose any option other than paying it and declaring guilty. Also my insurance protects me for first offence so it will not impact my insurance but it;s the principle that I never had demerit points and I want the fine brought down... Please advise and help me to let me know if there is any hope or risk for me to choose option 2 in this code R ticket. Thanks!!!