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Seats In Back Of Pickup

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:14 am
by david124124

Hey guys, I am just wondering if anyone knows if securely mounting a pair of bucket seats or bench from another truck with working seat belts in the back of the bed is legal.

I've searched every piece of litigation I could find including the HTA, the motor vehicle safety act and can't find anything on it other than that everyone has to have a working and properly installed seat belt.

Anyone you've stopped for it? Or seen it?

also are rear facing seats illegal now?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:10 am
by Squishy

I can't find anything specifically addressing the act in the HTA, but 178 (4) prohibits persons on the outside of a vehicle for the purpose of being "drawn along the roadway". At first I thought it might be referring to people on rollerskates, sleds, etc., but 178 (1) specifically covers those situations. "Drawn along the roadway" likely means "carried along the roadway", which means you can't ride in the open bed of a pickup truck, on the roof of a vehicle, etc.

I'm not sure if having a camper shell means the bed is now considered the inside - if so, CMVSS 207 covers the mounting strength requirements of seating.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:27 am
by FiReSTaRT

Could be interpreted as "stunting" (in the trunk). Even if it doesn't fall under that part of 172, it could be misinterpreted as such on the side of the road and you could still get your truck impounded.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:38 am
by Bookm

We always rode in the back of buddy's pickup. I understood the law to say it was legal as long as all cab seats were occupied and seatbelted in. If it's changed, I didn't hear of it.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:02 am
by hwybear

section 178 does not apply at all, that would be for someone on a bicycle, hanging onto the corner of a vehicle.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:23 am
by Squishy
hwybear wrote:section 178 does not apply at all, that would be for someone on a bicycle, hanging onto the corner of a vehicle.

Isn't that 178 (1)?

"A person riding upon a motor assisted bicycle, a bicycle, a coaster, roller skates, skis, a toboggan, a sled or a toy vehicle shall not attach it, them, himself or herself to a vehicle or street car on a roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 178 (1)."

What about 178 (4)?

"No person shall attach himself or herself to the outside of a vehicle or street car on a roadway for the purpose of being drawn along the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 178 (4)."

Since bicycles are already covered in subsection 1, I don't see it necessary to write another subsection just to cover them again. 178 (4) sounds to me like it is prohibiting a person riding on the outside of a vehicle - sidesteps, roof, hood, clinging to an old-timey streetcar, maybe the bed of a pickup.