4 Tickets, $440, And Need Advice
Ok, So I drive a custom air ride suspension vehicle, Im Very low, My windows are tinted, My licence plate is in my back window (mounted to the bed) other than that, my truck is 100% stock (Well, Custom intiror too but that has nothing to do with this)
I get pulled over the other day, and the officer says to me,
"Son your muffler is offuly loud." He then gave me a ticket for that (Granted, My muffler is non existant, But he did not check, he just said it was too loud)
"Your window tint is too dark" Again another ticket.
"Your turn signals are not amber, they are white" Again. Ticket.
"And your licence plate is not mounted properly" And the final blow.
Now Im pritty sure on some of the laws here, but I want to check to make sure.
Window tint. Because the law is vauge, and law is all about interpretation, I interpret the law to say the window film cannot obstruct the drivers view of the road. Meaning if I can see properly and safely out my windows, Its leagle.
Turn signal color- your vehicle may only posess the following color bulbs, White, amber, and red. Red may only be on the three brake lights (Two on older modles) head lights may only be white, and turn signals can be either or....
License plates. Have to be PROMINENTLY displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Since he has a problem with my rear plate, my arguement is a lighted plate, That is reflective white, and in the middle of a large black square (my rear window) Is prominent no?
And finally my muffler, Altho he is most likely right, is there not a DB level that a muffler may not exceed, Meaning unless he metered my exhaust level, He has no legal grounds...
Am I way off in left field, Or Am I pritty well right here?
I have never had a ticket stick in court before, because Ive allways come prepared, But I just found this site, and recent disgust with the local athoritys have caused me to further my efforts to fight the racisem I endure on a daily basis.