Need Advice: Improper Use Of Hov Lane /no Driver License
City of Toronto is in shortage of money and I was stopped by one of their collecting agent (a.k.a A Cop) this morning.
I was preparing to make a right turn on the right lane. It is a bus lane (HOV lane) and the cop said that I cut in too early - the law states that I can be on a HOV lane no more than 60 meters before making a right turn at the intended intersaction.
Personaly I don't think I broke the law, but I didn't argue as the cop is always right.
In addition, I forgot my driver licenses at home and he issued another ticket to me for this matter.
I was driving my wife's car that was registered to her parent's address (i.e. not my own address).
Ticket specifics:
Ticket #1
- Improper use of HOV lane, HTA Section 154.1(3)
- The cop didn't have my driver licenses and he put my middle name as my family name on the ticket
- The cop didn't have my driver licenses and he put my in-law's address as the address on the ticket
- The cop didn't have my driver licenses and he didn't put my driver licenses number on the ticket
Ticket #2
- Driver fail to wear complete seatbelt assembly, HTA Section 106(2)
- Not sure why this is "seatbelt" related - the cop said that the ticket is for me not having my driver license with me
- The cop didn't have my driver licenses and he put my middle name as my family name on the ticket
- The cop didn't have my driver licenses and he put my in-law's address as the address on the ticket
- The cop didn't have my driver licenses and he didn't put my driver licenses number on the ticket
Need Advice:
1) What's the best way to fight off these tickets?
2) Would all those "technical errors" (i.e. wrong family name, emtpied driver licenses field, wrong address) help me to fight these tickets off?