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Disobey Signs Changed To Park Or Stand On Highway

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:06 pm
by twinsnakes

I recently had an early resolution meeting for a disobey signs ticket which was lowered to "Park or Stand on Highway" which carries no demerit points. They told me this was a non moving violation however I would like to confirm it. I have looked on the web but cannot find this charge. Can someone please advise if this is correct? I want to make sure this will not affect my insurance rate.

Re: Disobey Signs Changed To Park Or Stand On Highway

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:28 pm
by Stanton

Was the charge you plead to under the Highway Traffic Act or a local bylaw? Theres a charge for parking on the highway under section 170 of the H.T.A., but theres also typically bylaws that would cover the same offence.

The reason I ask is that insurance companies treat all Highway Traffic Act convictions the same, regardless if theyre a so called "moving violation" or not. Demerit points are essentially irrelevant to your provider. Some providers/policies will overlook your first conviction; some may slightly increase your rates.

My guess is that you plead to an HTA offence, hence a rate increase is possible.

Re: Disobey Signs Changed To Park Or Stand On Highway

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:54 pm
by tdottopcop

Sounds like you plead to a Toronto by-law, to me.

what jurisdiction is the offence?

Re: Disobey Signs Changed To Park Or Stand On Highway

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:06 am
by twinsnakes

That's the annoying thing, they didn't say whether it was under HTA or a bylaw. My guess is that it was HTA and they dropped the demerit points but I really don't know how all that works. This is my first ticket conviction.

Re: Disobey Signs Changed To Park Or Stand On Highway

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:25 pm
by daggx

Interesting, do we know if section 170 usually charged against the owner or the driver of the vehicle?