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I Want To Move To Aussieland

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:19 pm
by Reflections

Re: I Want To Move To Aussieland

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:54 pm
by Stanton
Reflections wrote:Damn, Lidar guns do make errors

Well, I'd argue it's more lidar gun operators that make errors. :wink:

I wish they'd go into a little more detail about what caused the error. They say in the article the lidar gun needs to track the vehicle for 3 seconds straight, which I've never heard of. The reading the gun obtains is pretty much instantaneous. If a human operator is supposed to hold the device perfectly still for 3 seconds, it's no wonder the reading is so far off.

Maybe the article is just incorrect about specifics, as I notice it keeps mixing up radar and lidar.

Re: I Want To Move To Aussieland

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:25 pm
by hwybear

exactly how is one using lidar out a window and the cruiser "video" apparently having a radar reading? car would be parked different from direction of lidar....and a MC can increase and dump speed very quickly...none of this article makes sense with what little info is on it..