VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I arrived at the court room an hour before my trial was to begin.
It was very busy, lots of people pleading not guilty from the previous session.
So when the time came for the new session everyone lined up to speak with prosecutor.
I noticed that my interpreter and the officer showed up.
When I approached the prosecutor, with my interpreter, she immediately tried to offer me a plea of a lesser charge.
I said through the interpreter that I had filed an 11b.
She asked if I submitted everything according to the rules.
I said yes, I had a folder with everything: forms, affidavits, notices, etc
I was firm.
She told me to sit down and I would be called.
After a few cases my name was called.
I approached the bench with my interpreter, always bowing.
The JP asked my name and I replied.
The prosecutor then said that she was withdrawing the case!!!
That's it!
You are free to go!
It was very quick
She knew all the time that I was the guy that submitted the application for stay, yet she tried to offer me a plea-bargain.
What a weasel!
I'm happy@!