Should I File An 11-b On This Ticket?
I am in big trouble with my insurance company. From August 2008 to present day I have accumulated 8 traffic convictions. I only lost demerit points on 1. HOWEVER the insurance company doesn't care about points. My insurance just increased from 218 a month to 850. Not cool! 2 tickets will hit the three mark and drop from my record this fall. I'm hoping for reduction in insurance when I renew after 6 months.
SO now to the ticket...I have a 9th ticket that is still before the courts. It was issued to me on September 29th 2010 in the city of Hamilton. I had a trial date for June 22 ( 9 months) and asked it get post-poned 1-2 months. I could not attend this court date due to a work issue. A second trial date was set for January 4 2012!! That's over 15 months from the date of issue.
I know I asked for a later date but I feel this is excessive. It's 6 months from the first trial date. I happen to be out of the country at this date as my family and I go south for 2 weeks around Christmas and will not be able to make this date.
1. With this information do you feel I have a valid case for an 11-B?
2. Is it easier to do this myself or higher someone? How much should I expect to pay?
3. Will the christmas trip help my cause ( doubt it) If I can't get an 11-B, I'd like a third trial date.
My broked advised that my insurance would drop by 30% ( 600 a month) after 6 months when the two previous tickets hit the 3 year mark.
Re: Should I File An 11-b On This Ticket?
1) No. The delays are attributed to you, not the Courts. All you have is the initial 9 month delay between the charge and your first Court date.
2) Chances are a professional could obtain better results, but that will be dependent on what the actual charge is and what kind of outcome you expect.
3) No. In fact you may have difficulty getting another adjournment and simply be convicted in absentia if you can't attend. In that case it may be worthwhile to hire someone to attend on your behalf.
Re: Should I File An 11-b On This Ticket?
1. Are you sure? A delay of over 6 months still seems excessive in my mind.
2. The charge was for using a cell phone. I'm going to talk to points or xcopper
3. I'm also thinking about bringing my insurance costs to the prosecuter and beg for mercy lol. Maybe they'll drop the ticket because of the length of time from issue to trial date.
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