Police Radar Training Requirments? Also, Defence Request
I got a speeding ticket on June 13, 2012. The cops notes say that he was last trained in September, 2010.
I read somewhere that they are required to get trained every 36 months, but I want to clarify.
Also, I am requesting disclosure and want to know if I should focus on specific training requirements. Does the officer have to be trained on this specific device? He was using a Decatatur Genesis II Moving Radar.
I am looking for help or any defense possible and my scenario is:
The cop was driving a motorcycle and was tightly driving between two cars. He did a Uturn and charged me with 29km over the speed limit.
On his disclosure he notes that he was traveling at 92 km per hour in a posted 80km zone, but he was directly behind another vehicle, so either his notes are incorrect or the car in front of him was speeding as well. Something is not right here as I was not speeding 29 km over - and he actually says he clocked me at 115km in an 80km zone but gave me a 109km over ticket.
Also, his notes say he activated the device directly at my vehicle but how is that possible if he is directly behind a vehicle?
His notes claim that he never took his eyes off of me, but he did a complete U turn and was a pretty good distance away from me. Now obviously it is impossible for him to do a Uturn and not take his eyes off of me , but is there any defense here?
Another error is that in the Provincial Offences Brief the officer notes the offence date of June 15, 2012 when on the ticket is read June 13, 2012 - is there a defense here?
Thank you and I will be doing further research.