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Notice Of Intention To Appear; No Option For Po Attending?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:13 pm
by FirstOffence

I just filed my notice in the Brampton courthouse regarding a speeding ofence, and the form did not ask if I am planning to dispute the officer, or any other option to ensure the officer must be present.

Have the procedures changed and the court relies only on certified statements, are are officers just expected to appear?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Notice Of Intention To Appear; No Option For Po Attendin

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:49 am
by jsherk

Just to be sure, I would send a fax to the clerk of the court and a fax to the prosecutor and say:

"I plan to dispute the officers testimony and request the officer be present at the trial."

Keep copies of the "FAX SENT OK" reports.