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I Have 3 Driving Without Insurance Tickets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:04 pm
by Mylifeismessedup16

Okay, I'm 17 years old and have made some pretty stupid decisions in life to say the least, which has lead me to obtaining 3 driving without insurance tickets. I have no idea what I'm going to do. These tickets have pretty much ruined my life. I'm depressed, angry, and have even contemplated on suicide to escape the fatal fines that I know that are going to come along with these tickets. If there is anyone out there who can help me out and tell me what I should do please feel free to do so. Is there any way the judge will have pity on me because I'm still young? I mean they can't really expect a high school senior to cough up 20+ thousand, can they? My trial is on may 29th, so there still a little bit of time. Please help, I feel like my stupid mistakes are gonna make my life come to an end way earlier than it should

Re: I Have 3 Driving Without Insurance Tickets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:24 pm
by Stanton

It may be worth hiring (or at least consulting) with a paralegal to review your case. Perhaps theres something they can fight the charges on in Court. Id also suggest speaking with the Crown prior to trial and seeing if theyre willing to offer you a plea deal. If all three charges are being dealt with together, perhaps theyd be willing to drop one or more of the charges in exchange for a plea on the others.

A Justice of the Peace may have some sympathy for your financial situation, but with three charges for the same offence it could be a tough sell. At the very least try to seek as long as possible to pay. You can arrange payment plans, where as long as you keep making regular payments on your fines, you can keep your licence.

Good luck!

Re: I Have 3 Driving Without Insurance Tickets

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:30 am
by CliffClaven

...And talk to your parents about your situation, if you haven't already. They probably won't be happy, but they are there to help you.

Re: I Have 3 Driving Without Insurance Tickets

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:22 pm
by argyll

OK so you're an idiot - I doubt you'll disagree. But this is nothing to consider taking your life for. No judge will impose a financial penalty that they know you cannot pay. Deal with the issue and move on with your life. It'll be shitty for a few years and you likely won't drive for a long time but people overcome that.