Alberta Photo-radar Ticket
I recently moved to Alberta and got a photo radar ticket in Spruce Grove. My car was still registered in Ontario at the time and they mailed a ticket to my old address. I would like to fight it. Section 160(1) of the Traffic Safety Act allows a vehicle owner to be liable for a number of offences including 115(2)(p) (exceed maximum speed limit). FYI, this ticket was from an operator using a speed-measuring device and photographing the license plate (not automatically).
Section 160(1) reads "If a vehicle is involved in an offence referred to in section 157 or a bylaw, the owner of that vehicle is guilty of an offence."
By the way it reads, I would imagine the crown would have the onus to provide proof vehicle ownership from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and enter it in as evidence? How could I ask in disclosure for a certified copy from the MTO verifying ownership as the electronic record their computer system would generate would be hearsay? I was going to try "A certified copy of the record of vehicle ownership from the Provincial Department of Transportation (or equivalent)."
Should I hold off on even asking for it at all assuming the crown fails to obtain the document?
Assuming the crown fails to produce the certified record (which seems more likely due to being out of province), how could I bring the issue up during my trial? This issue seems to be the most likely way to win the trial. I hear these tickets are hard to beat.
Any other tips on best ways to fight this charge or any other points to ask for in disclosure? I've fought a number of tickets (some successfully) in Ontario, but this is the first out of province and it's all very foreign to me
For the record this is everything I was going to ask for in my disclosure request:
 A full copy of the officer's notes and statements, typed if not legible;
 If short-form writing is used in the officer's notes, please have the officer provide an explanation for the short forms;
 A copy of the officers proof of completion of all the requirements to operate a photo speed-measuring device, including proof of a "Photo Radar Operators Course";
 A copy of the officers record of training for the specific speed-measuring device used;
 A copy of the manufactures manual for the speed-measuring device used by the officer;
 A copy of the Law Enforcement Department's regulations, policies, and guidelines regarding the use and operation of speed-measuring equipment for speed enforcement, as well as any pertinent Provincial regulations, policies, and guidelines.
 The calibration records of the speed-measuring equipment used, as well as the records pertaining to the completion of any regularly scheduled maintenance as required by the equipment manufacture and applicable Provincial law;
 Any photographic or video evidence if it exists and the Crown intends to use it at trial;
 A certified copy of the record of vehicle ownership from the Provincial Department of Transportation (or equivalent).