So here is what happened, my dad got a ticket in Aug 2011 for a stop sign violation, he filed to appear in court. His court date was one day before a transplant surgery and it was scheduled kind of last minute...thats how donor related things go. So he went on Dec29 to have the date changed.
he was sent to the prosecutors office and a new court date was determined. He was then sent home, but no one actually informed the court clerk that the date has been changed, the prosecutor gave my dad some paper with a hand written date but didnt say anything to him, this paper was supposed to be returned to the clerk.
My dad got convicted by being a no show, they sent a letter 9we never got) saying we need to pay the fines. his license got suspended because of non payment.
We went and filed for re-opening the case by some "in basket system" and got denied.
I want to get this conviction striken, what can i do ( i got the forms) but who can help me? I am really not financially well, enough to eat and pay bills but nothing to spare.
We have been out time at work to run around, making arrangements for my dad to get to work (cant sit home with no pay)
I need advice ASAP!