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Procced Through Intersection Contracy To Sign

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:20 am

One of my friend got a ticket saying, "Procced Through Intersection Contracy To Sign HTA". Section # 144 (9). He made the right turn mistakenly from the road where only buses were allowed. Will he lose any point for that? What does HTA stand for? What would be recommend him to do for the above ticket.

He also got another ticket for not showing his permit for vehicle. However, he showed the insurance paper. At that time, he was tensed & forgot where he placed the permit paper for the vehicle, even he had them in the car. Later, he remembered where he had placed the permit paper in the car. What would be recommend him to do for the above ticket.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:07 am

Failing to obey signs ticket comes with 2 Demerit Points.

HTA - Highway Traffic Act.

Section 144 (9):


(9) The provisions of this section are subject to any sign, as prescribed by the regulations, forbidding a left turn, right turn, through movement or combination thereof that is posted at an intersection and every driver shall obey every such sign. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (9).

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:56 pm
by Bookm

If it were just the one ticket, I would fight it:

- wait a week then file a not-guilty as per the back of the ticket.

- request Disclosure (the court clerk will provide a form)

- wait for court date and Disclosure to arrive in mail.

- carefully read disclosure (officers notes made at the scene). If he didn't write down much detail (which is often the case), he may not remember when questioned on the stand.

The problem is he got TWO tickets. So now it would probably be better to meet with the Crown and ask for one to be dropped in return for a conviction on the other. Of course your friend should try to get the "sign" charge dropped. The Crown will likey try to negotiate the opposite though.

Bookm & Ohtp

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:31 pm

Bookm & OHTP, Thanks for your comments & adviced